Px21 problem

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Blev medlem: sön 12 jan, 2014 12:38
Ort: Ylitornio/övertorneå

Px21 problem

Inlägg av KooÄmPee »

Hi. I'm Finnish and because my poor swedish i write in English. (Little better)

When my px21 starts it sometimes doesn't feed pellets to burner.
That leads naturally to error. (Red light)

When i power off and on again it usually works again for 2-3 burning sessions.

I wonder how could i solve the component what causes this failure?
Broken part could be relay? Pcb? Feedermotor?

Sorry if there is alredy answer to this question, but it's a jungle to me :/
If someone could link the answer here that would also help. Google translator helps :)
Px21-jäspi20-ouman 800
Inlägg: 1950
Blev medlem: mån 05 feb, 2007 14:08
Ort: västernorrland

Re: Px21 problem

Inlägg av ronald »

You must have at least 3.5 dl pellets in stardose :wink: ..good luck....
ctc171-79 kmp px21-04 (7.3) chippad .6m skorsten (rör genom kalla delen) Tigex 25,,kmp-veckoförråd
conturakamin (med egen premodul-skorsten //Nibe el-beredare 80x110=190m2 trähus /5 pers
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Inlägg: 1191
Blev medlem: fre 14 jan, 2005 11:17

Re: Px21 problem

Inlägg av Honda »

Tyypillisesti kyse on vanhentuneesta käynnistyskondensaattorista kun moottori ei jaksa käynnistyä, mutta jos tässä tapauksessa pelaa aina onnistuneen käynnistyksen jälkeen kuulostaa kyllä eri vialta. Kondensaattori on kuitenkin niin halpa että jos mikään muu ei auta kannattaisi ehkä kokeilla sen vaihtaminen. Voin suositella tämä firma http://wv.fi, sen kautta saatiin aina tarvittavat varaosat (ja niitä meni aika paljon...) mun vanhalle kmp:lleni vaikka poltin oli aikoinaan hankittu muualta.
Termax 25Cr med spaksotning, Bio Comfort + lambda + kompressorrengöring, 10m skorsten med 125mm insatsrör. 8t bulkförråd. Matene vertikalskruv. https://github.com/motoz/PellMon open source pelletlogger
Inlägg: 4
Blev medlem: sön 12 jan, 2014 12:38
Ort: Ylitornio/övertorneå

Re: Px21 problem

Inlägg av KooÄmPee »

Hei Honda! Tahanks for the answer. I have ordered some stuff from them before so i know them. Sometimes the feeder doesn't start even when I force it with connecting the wires. And sometimes when i connect them it takes about 2-3 seconds and starts.

I try the käynnistyskondensaattori first. Can you change it youreself? What could be the next step if it doesn't work?

Ps. This is the first failure and I've had it since 2003. (Resistors excluded ofcourse)
Px21-jäspi20-ouman 800
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Inlägg: 1191
Blev medlem: fre 14 jan, 2005 11:17

Re: Px21 problem

Inlägg av Honda »

In that case it can very well be the capacitor.

I never opened the case of the feeder auger (that one part never broke...) so I not sure what type of motor it is. Since it is a single phase AC motor it can only be of two types, either one similar to the fan motor http://www.pelletsbutiken.com/86-thickb ... x-20kw.jpg, which does not have a capacitor at all (the thick copper wire that runs through part of the stator fills the same function, sort of) but that's a bit unlikely. The more likely motor type requires a capacitor either looking like this: http://www.pelletsbutiken.com/sv/kmp-ka ... or-k6.html or like this http://www.hedestoker.dk/3631_500_konde ... scotte.jpg, to start. It should be easy to replace yourself, unlikely but possibly requiring a soldering iron, but you of course have to find a matching one.

Even before switching capacitor I would check with an ac-voltmeter that there is 230V at the feeder connector when it should be running, to rule out some kind of intermittent fault on the circuit board.

Another possibility could be that the gearbox has dried out and jammed, I guess it is not totally unthinkable that it could be more jammed when cooled down after a stop, and if the motor manages to get it going at startup then it loosens up a bit when warming up so it keeps running until the next stop.

10 years with a KMP without troubles! You should get a medal!! :!: (I was probably asking to much of my poor px20, 20kW is the absolute minimum that my house requires, so it had to do more work than it could handle)
Termax 25Cr med spaksotning, Bio Comfort + lambda + kompressorrengöring, 10m skorsten med 125mm insatsrör. 8t bulkförråd. Matene vertikalskruv. https://github.com/motoz/PellMon open source pelletlogger
Inlägg: 4
Blev medlem: sön 12 jan, 2014 12:38
Ort: Ylitornio/övertorneå

Re: Px21 problem

Inlägg av KooÄmPee »

Thank you so much. Already sent mail to wv to know if they have the parts i need.

Actually my father in law bought the px21 in 2003 and he had no probs either. We bought the house from him 2005.
It takes 2 tändelement/year and nothing Else. :)

Maybe that's why im such A novice with these things 'cause all I've done is poor pellets in the container :)

Little offtopic here but let's say i can't fix the burner... What's the good buy in burners today? Reliability is propably the most important feature with easy maintenance.
Px21-jäspi20-ouman 800
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Inlägg: 1191
Blev medlem: fre 14 jan, 2005 11:17

Re: Px21 problem

Inlägg av Honda »

Well I only have experience with kmp and the one I switched to, bio comfort. After two years I can only be satisifed. So far zero problems, nothing replaced (although the igniter might be up soon), no signs of wear and almost zero maintenance. As for which burner is the best, there are lots of opinions... The most satisfied tend to be quietly absent from the forums, I guess.
Termax 25Cr med spaksotning, Bio Comfort + lambda + kompressorrengöring, 10m skorsten med 125mm insatsrör. 8t bulkförråd. Matene vertikalskruv. https://github.com/motoz/PellMon open source pelletlogger
Inlägg: 4
Blev medlem: sön 12 jan, 2014 12:38
Ort: Ylitornio/övertorneå

Re: Px21 problem

Inlägg av KooÄmPee »

Okay. Changed the capacitor. It's working like a clock again. Maybe another ten years. :) found it from local electrician. Cost 5 euros but he gave it for free because it Was my daughters birthday :) but he told me to give the money to her. X)
Px21-jäspi20-ouman 800
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Inlägg: 1191
Blev medlem: fre 14 jan, 2005 11:17

Re: Px21 problem

Inlägg av Honda »

That's great, let's hope for 10 more years then!
Termax 25Cr med spaksotning, Bio Comfort + lambda + kompressorrengöring, 10m skorsten med 125mm insatsrör. 8t bulkförråd. Matene vertikalskruv. https://github.com/motoz/PellMon open source pelletlogger
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